Saturday, 22 December 2012

my candlewick green advent week 3. day 15 -20

hello there again so here we go for week 3 of my smelly month of December .

day15 north star  ,this is strong and pongs the house out and i mean strong but good if you know what i mean. mystical,far eastern spices,herbs,resins,the heavy perfume is created from the sandalwood,and incense [think standing in a church]
day16 is i love fruit this is good this is apples stewed and cinnamon and spice of this good.
day17 is apple and evergreen..crisp apples and green leaves.

day 18 is new years day straight up shortbread and sugar.

day 19 angels kiss ,roses,white blossoms,Lillie's.

day 20christmas cocktails,discs to mix your toddy,orange juice,cranberries,brandied fruits.
so that finishes week 3 off of my advent.

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